Waldorf-Inspired Virtual Classes


Lotus & Ivy provides live, interactive Waldorf math classes online for 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade. We follow the Jamie York Math Academy curriculum for our live math classes. Eighth grade topics: Number bases, Ancient number systems, Expanded decimal notation,Scientific notation, Octal, base-five, base-sixteen, base-two (binary), Converting between binary and hexadecimal, Square root algorithm, Pythagorean Theorem, Percents & Growth, Percent increase and decrease, exponential growth, the rule of 72, Dimensional Analysis, Converting between metric and U.S. units, Converting units for rates, Converting areas and volumes, Density, Proportions, Rate problems, Algebraic expressions, The laws of exponents, Review of fractions and negatives, Algebraic equations, Converting repeating decimals into fractions, Computer memory & ASCII code, Computer algorithms, Mensuration, Baravalle’s proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, Area of a trapezoid, Heron’s formula, Areas of four types of triangles, Area of a circle, Portions of circles, Volume and surface area of solids (box, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, sphere, octahedron, tetrahedron), Archimedes’ ratio, Stereometry, Types of polyhedra, Platonic solids, Duality, Archimedean solids, Euler’s formula, and Imagination 3-D transformation exercises.

Class 9 Math

Our Class 9 Math Lessons are live, and students are invited to interact with the teacher and ask questions as part of class time.

Algebra I

Textbook for Algebra I: Holt McDougal/Larson Algebra I

This class will use the Holt McDougal Larson Algebra I Common Core Edition textbook. We use this text so all students may use the same book. Supplemental problems will be offered from Making Math Meaningful, Grade 9, and occasionally, printables. The class will be taught through the lens of a Waldorf teacher. This class will meet three days a week. In the Algebra 1 class, we aim to challenge and motivate our students by offering a curriculum that is relevant and meaningful to them. We apply a balance of direct instruction, individual practice, and guided discoveries. We bring math in alignment with the teenager’s intellectual, physical (brain) and emotional development, and serve a variety of learning styles.

Algebra offers an opportunity to tackle abstract ideas, develop mathematical thinking, critical thinking, and improve problem-solving abilities. The new concepts covered in Algebra I open a whole new world to often rebellious, curious teens. Regardless of earlier experiences with math, they will rejoice over their successes in first acquiring, then applying abstract concepts to solve problems.

For a historical context, we’ll study the ideas of ancient Greek mathematicians and Al-Khwarizmi, the “Father of Algebra.” We will learn about the brilliance of their thinking and logic, and what limitations prevented them from further discoveries.

The pacing of this course allows for ample guided practice during class time, however, individual practice will also be necessary to make the most of this class. Individual assignments will require 1-2 hours of practice per week outside class time.

There will be constant feedback about the individual student’s work in the Google Classroom, and 5 formal assessments will be offered in the form of tests.

Algebra I Topics

  • Algebraic expressions and evaluating expressions

  • Operations with positive and negative numbers

  • Absolute value

  • Solving linear equations

  • Solving inequalities

  • Graphing linear equations and functions

  • Slope intercept form of a line

  • Writing linear equations

  • Solving systems of equations

  • Zero, negative and fractional exponents

  • Polynomials: adding, multiplying, factoring

  • Solving quadratic equations; the quadratic formula

  • Data analysis

  • Real world application with word problems

  • Puzzles & riddles


The teacher provides individual math homework to be completed outside of class. In addition to the individual homework, students will be assigned to a math group where they will meet once a week outside of class time, via Zoom, to work on group math assignments.  The students can work with their group mates to determine a convenient time for all members.  The group meeting should last from 45 minutes to 1 hour each week.

Please Note: The Math Main Lesson Block for Class 9 is Probability & Statistics.  It is taught as part of the Lotus & Ivy Class 9 Main Lesson ClasS, NOT the Year-Long math class. Together, our Class 9 Main lesson class and year-Long math class are part of the full 9th grade Math curriculum, which provides a solid and rigorous math foundation. 

Please contact us if you have questions.